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Glory of God Shines When Veil is removed 11/18/02
In 2 Corinthians 3:7-18, it speaks of God's glory on Moses and how he had to wear a veil, because the people could not bear to look upon his face. If the Old covenant was good, the New Covenant is much better.

When Jesus came and died on the cross, the veil (curtain) in the temple was rent from top to bottom, and
the glory of God shone brightly. As the come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the
veil (darkness) in their life also will be rent and removed and God's glory will shine in them.

  • Liken the glory of God as a bright light (a beacon). We know that Jesus referred to Himself "the light of the world (John 8:12). When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we too become lights in the dark world. We should never hide our lights because that may be the only Jesus that the lost may see. If they see our lights shining, they will come to know Jesus as their Savior and understand the goodness of God.
  • That light that shines in us can only be extinquished if we ourselves allow it to be so. When we sin, we cloud the light (like an eclipse) and the light cannot shine brightly. The veil is basically put back up and therefore we cannot show the glory of God in our lives.
  • When we repent and ask for forgiveness, God wipes the dirt or veil from us. In fact, He blots it out completely).
  • Let's look at a lighthouse. A lighthouse is placed in an area free from obstructions so it can be most effective. It has a huge lamp and lots of reflective mirrors to amplify the light out to sea. When everything is working correctly, it can shine out past the horizon. Ships or vessels can then find their way to safe haven if they are not able to do so. If the light is burned out or is dimmed for any reason (dirty, grungy windows, mirrors, etc.) then the lighthouse loses its effectiveness to help others.
  • Just as a lighthouse reflects a beacon to ships out at sea, we as Christians can reflect God's love to the lost. The more we live God-like and less world-like, the more we can reflect and convince people of God's love and desire to be a part of their lives. Just as a mirror, God's light (the bulb) shines out to us and we in turn need to reflect that light out to others.
  • We must always keep our hearts and souls right with God. We sin, but because of God's grace and mercy, we can repent and be washed clean. If we are washed clean and sparkle, then the reflection is clear and strong and effective in reaching others. This is all part of the Great Commission.
  • So break out the Windex (so to speak), clean yourself up, turn from your world ways and follow God's path that will lead you true and sure to your destiny.
  • The difference between WORD and WORLD is one letter: L. The WORD is always TRUE! The WORLD lies therefore should never be trusted. Think about it....don't let the "lies" cause your light to dim and become ineffective. Rather let the WORD live in you and thereby reach others for Jesus.